Conscious Relationships live online workshop
Sat, 23 Jul
|online event
The keys to expanding, happy and loving relationships. With Colin P. Sisson

Time and location
23 Jul 2022, 08:30 – 31 Jul 2022, 12:00
online event
CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS The keys to expanding, happy and loving relationships live online workshop with Colin P. Sisson
A special workshop for those who are serious about effective relationships with partners, close family members, clients, customers, colleagues, bosses, and friends. We have a relationship with everyone and everything in our lives, from ourselves, parents, children, lovers, to our car, job, health, and money. The success of each relationship is determined by our level of conscious awareness and presence.
If we have a problem with any of these, then part of our relationship is unconscious! We dare to say that most of our relationships may be unconscious to some degree. However, we never know how unconscious we are until we start to expand awareness of our hidden motives and fears that could be running our lives.
“The suspicion, the fear, the differences are but the spirit of friendship and harmony in its slumber, and upon its awakening, we can rejoice in the harmony among the differences and the oneness of all people.” Colin P. Sisson – Winged Thoughts From The Heart
This workshop is about coming back to a more natural state. This means relating, consciously, communicating and listening with the heart, rather than being swept away by our feelings, or relying on intellectual solutions and techniques especially during conflict situations.
Conscious Relationships are the ideal relationships with ourselves, with others and with the world. When we relate consciously, we create the life and the relationships that are nourishing, creative and loving.
“No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.” Francois Mauriac
AN EXPERIENCE TO: Wake up to being more conscious in your important relationships. Overcome the barriers between you and those you love. Conflict resolution, without giving your power away. Effective listening skills that go beyond the words, to hear what people are really saying. Step out of the victim-hood of manipulation, power struggles and unhealthy control games. Develop confidence in every interaction with others. Expand your self-esteem and self-confidence. Discover the most important relationship with yourself.
“No man is an island, entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” John Donne
COLIN P. SISSON Colin P. Sisson is an internationally recognized inspirational writer, speaker, seminar leader on conscious living through the power of being present. Metaphysician, Vietnam war veteran, founder of Breath Integration, co-founder of Integrative Presence. Colin has many years of experience in inspiring people to expand their awareness and to achieve their full potential. When people discover the present moment, not just as a theory, but as a practice of being here now, a gateway opens that leads directly into the reality of love, joy and inner freedom. More on www.colinsisson.com
Books written by Colin P. Sisson: Inner Adventures, The Next Step Wounded Warriors, Rebirthing Made Easy Your Rights to Riches, The Truth of Your Moment (soon to be published) Secret of the 12 Stones, Inspired Leadership Winged Thoughts From theHeart
WORKSHOP DATES AND TIMES This workshop will be held live ONLINE on Zoom.
Module 1: 23-24.07.2022 w godz 8:30 am - 12 noon CET (Warsaw time)
Module 2: 30-31.07.2022 w godz 8:30 am - 12 noon CET(Warsaw time)
Price 175 Euro when deposit 75 Euro is paid by 12th July 2022 200 Euro when deposit 75 Euro is paid after 12th July 2022
Price for people living in Poland: 690 Polish Zloty when deposit 200 Zloty Euro is paid by 12th July August 2022 790 Polish Zloty when deposit 200 Zloty is paid after 12th July 2022
Workshop will be translated from English to Polish.
Deposit of 75 Euro reserves your place. Three days before the workshop deposit is not refundable.
Info: Magdalena: info@magdalenajanicka.com, +48 691 674 123