Books by Colin in English - soon full information about all titles
The journey to presence
The secret of the twelve stones is an adventure story of a man who goes in search of buried treasure and instead finds himself. The theme is as old as literature is itself, but the content is a new approach to waking up to the magnificence of ourselves.
The secret of the twelve stones is based on a true story, surrounding the practise of being present. It is a personal guide on the journey home, back to one’s inner nature where we may discover that in fact we never left and here lie the hidden dimensions of our powers and total happiness.
The back drop is the jungles of the Amazon with a sprinkle of imagination, a little daring, a taste of the mystical, it is potentially the true story of each of us. It is a book of sheer enjoyment, while learning more about what makes us tick.
Publication date: 2010
ISBN 978-0-9597930-8-6
Edition number 1st
Paperback – 225 Pages
Total Press
The journey home, back to who we really are.
This book is probably the clearest and most important description of the process of Breath Integration, the psychology of the future.
No philosophy, religion, book, seminar or person can give you the Truth - you are already It. Nothing can give to you what you already Are. At best, others can merely point you in the direction of Reality. Reality is important. What is not so important are the explanations of Reality. Reality is not something you can explain, it is something you 'wake up to'.
INNER ADVENTURES is your personal guide on the journey Home, Home to your true Self where you may discover, if you so choose, the hidden dimensions of your Power.
Is this approach psychological, philosophical, religious, mystical or a healing technique? It is none and yet, all of these. These are simply labels. It doesn’t matter what we call it or whether we call it anything at all, for Reality is beyond words. We can approach this work as a spiritual way Home or as a technique of integrating the mind and body or further as a learning process of how to make life more wonderful. In any case we are going to have a lot of Inner Adventures along the way.
Health Warning: This book is dangerous for your ego!
ISBN: 0-9597930-3-8
PAPERBACK - 312 pages
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0-9597930-3-8
Edition number 2nd
PAPERBACK - 312 pages
Total Press
The Next Step
People who attempt to master the world will find resistance and conflict at every turn. People who master themselves will find the world willingly at their feet.
There is nothing in life that has to be fixed, improved, corrected or changed. Life is perfectly fine as it is. Life does not have to be made better, only understood. When we truly understand experientially - intellectually, emotionally, physically and intuitively the meaning of so-called negative conditions and situations, (not just intellectually perceiving them), they re-balance themselves, effortlessly and spontaneously.
Finding the way Home, back to higher Consciousness requires understanding and conscious observation of the inner obstacles that block our way. Everything we perceive is just a mere fraction of what we are. Our beliefs about reality, our straining for results, our motives and desires, our achievements and failures, our joys and frustrations are all but a drop in the ocean of life. Simply observe whatever happens and know we are more than this.
This is not a book about the truth, it is a journey within to discover our obstacles, then we are free to proceed and realise our own truth.
PUBLIC WARNING: This book is dangerous for your ego!
Publication date: 1999
ISBN 0 - 9597930 - 4 - 6
Edition number: 1st
Paperback - 320 Pages
Total Press
Your Right To Riches
Get your life and Abundance working even better. It is everyone's birthright to fulfil their dreams and be successful. This magical book helps you to open up to greater areas of your creative potential through three simple universal laws.
Your Right To Riches is more than a book, it is a total experience. It is a system of natural laws that creates a prosperity awareness leading an abundance of Love Joy and Freedom.
If you are poor by choice you are rich.
What is in a person's heart and not in his or her bank account determines that person's wealth.
If you are poor and resent it - then you are using your power to create poverty. It is easier to create abundance than poverty, as it is easier to succeed than to fail.
Prosperity awareness through the principles of this book, will be one of the simplest things you will ever learn - once you have prosperity awareness, it is yours forever.
Publication date: 1986
ISBN: 0-9590014-1-7
Edition number: 3rd
Paperback - 132 pages
Total Press
The Path to Love, Joy and Freedom.
This title replaces and updates the orginal title Rebirthing Made Easy, the authors first best seller that was first published in 1985.
The method of Conscious Breathing, which the author calls Breath Integration is a live system of personal growth through the expansion of awareness, using breath, meditation and self-observation.
Correct breathing is the most basic form of healing. A person can go for three weeks without food; three days without water; but try going for more than three minutes without air.
To discover all that we are, happens through the process of integration of the four functions of the psyche: Physical, Emotions, Intellect and Intuition. When we combine breathing with the process of thinking, feeling and sensing we find ourselves being capable of intuitive understanding of reality which is far beyond intellectual, emotional or physical perceptions.
This book is written for those who are willing to take their spiritual journey personally. This is not about problems of neighbours, friends, partners, or clients. This is about obstacles in self-development for those who are honest enough to discover them and who do not think they know it all. This book will challenge many of your beliefs and attitudes. The author breaks many illusions about ourselves and is sometimes cruel with our sacred ideas. Yet we feel safe and can sense Colin's genuine care in his aim to wake us up to the reality of our greatness. Colin makes suggestions rather than statements and always includes himself when talking about sleeping humanity.
This makes `Breath Integration Made Easy' a book-friend rather than a book-teacher.”
ISBN 0 - 9590014-0-9
PAPERBACK - 215 pages
Winged Thoughts from the Heart
A Traveller's Journey
Colin has produced another delightful master-piece of profound truths. He speaks not only to our hearts, but to the depths of our being.
Winged Thoughts From The Heart are the stories of one man's journey into his soul. It is all of our stories, that reminds us when we each had the experiences shared in these pages, that will touch us deeply.
This beautifully written book, poetically expressed, takes us from the misery and struggles of ordinary life to stand in our own power, our own glory, our own Godliness, and to know the wonders of living in Joy, Love, and Tranquillity, forever.
These expressions were a new direction for Colin at the time these writings were made. He once said at the completion of 'Winged Thoughts From The Heart', if only one person is inspired by this work, to look beyond the ego, and realise their greater, true self, then it has all been worth-while.
The content of these pages is written in prose, but its essence is poetry. The author has gone beyond the distinctions of prose and poetry, and has arrived at the purity of beauty and love.
Almid, the inspired student of life, returns to the land of his birth, after a great journey to far off lands. Surrounded with his family and friends they make him a reluctant teacher of wisdom, as they search for answers of life from his soul. The words that flow from his lips uplift, inspire and encourage.
Every page contains a gem of some beautiful and liberating thought.
ISBN 0 - 9597930 - 4 - 6